
Saturday, December 24, 2011

Giant Bubble Party 4 was FANTASTIC!

Natasha is 2.29
And Giant Bubble Party 4 was fantastic!
(Full Screen HD Highly Recommended!)

Monday, December 12, 2011


Natasha is 2.25!And I will be making Giant and Copious Bubbles in the South Bay on December 17!
Click for details: GIANT BUBBLE PARTY IV
I'll GIVE you some of my solution if you show up and bubble with us!
Tell a Friend!

This morning a photographer named Michael Gollotti caught me playing in the park and was kind enough to send some photos! Click to enlarge!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Birthday Bubbles from Around the Globe!!!!!

Natasha is 26 months old!

And I am turning 43 on 11/18/11...

For my birthday I'm asking bubble friends (and 'regular' friends and family, too) to blow me a bubble, point at it so I know which one's for me, and send me a picture. So far I have these (keep checking back!) Woohoo! You should do it too! I can't begin to express how happy this makes me :) !!!

(click photos to enlarge--you won't regret it!)

Louis Pearl in....Louis Pearl land, USA? Where are you, Louis? That's a bona fide jellyfish bubble, btw. update: Louis is in Sebastopol, CA, apparently making him a Sebastopudlian... which you shouldn't say in mixed company, methinks.

Romi Shamai in Jerusalem! Awesome.

Lionel Stanhope in London! Standing ovation.

Woody in Washington State sent a pair! Perfect.
Todd K in Hawaii wins the award for the most cooly understated "point" maneuver (and some stellar garland action). Thanks Todd!

Bryce Miyauchi in Hawaii! A major mentor and long-distance chum of the first order. Lovely, Bryce!

Fabulous team bubble/point action from Bigbubble Zig in North Wales!!!!
Mike R in NoCal! This made my morning, Mike :)
Circobalena Balena in Messina, Italy! Or thereabouts, with a fantastic net!!! Oh, thank you!!!
Jasmin Belay in Vienna! Great picture, Jasmin and thanks for the kind wishes, too!
Ivo Caim in Alentejo, Portugal! A keeper.
Emily Miller and the 4th Chiller (due 5/12) from Oakland (temporarily brightening the West Bay). I love you both!
Dustin in Oregon! Awed silence is appropriate in the presence of Dustin's doin's. ...........
Julie in Texas broadens the scope for the good of all. Standing ovation. :)

Marilyn Doyle from Minnesota sends a double winner: herself in a bubble... made by Louis Pearl!
Teresa in Redwood City sends along this gem. Thanks Teresa! Lots of goodness going on in that picture :)

Andrew in the Philippines lent me a birthday Bubble-in-a-bubble-in-a-bubble video. The honor is mine, sir!

Felix in San Francisco came through with a classic! Thanks Felix, it means a lot to me!

Edward Smith in Cincinnati! Oh what a lovely way for ME to wake up this morning!

David Erck in Michigan sends one that deserves a close look! Wow, David!

Sly in France with the singing and the colored bubbles and the personalized titling?!?! Incroyable! Magnifique! I am touched and grateful.

June in Worcester offers up bonus gnomes! Ah, bonus gnomes. My favorite.

And Thomas sends frozen bubbles from Munich to make the joy last... ;) Hooray!

Jonny in Catania, Italy sent two fantastic ones--and the shirt makes me almost as happy as the stellar bubbling!
Juliana from Romania brings the elegance. Lovely, Juliana!

Catherine Armand in Paris sent hand-blown bubbles she made near the Sacré Cœur. Very nice, Kate, thank you!

OK. This is Felix Cartagena from Colorado. This one is very special to me. It may be my name as the "creator" of the Soap Bubble Fanciers Yahoo group...but I basically planted a seed and shrugged and walked away. It was Felix who watered it and tended it for its formative years and then a core of die-hard bubblers who really stuck with him and SBF to make it what it has become. I stepped back in years later and went, wait, what?! I love this!...and learned everything I know from the community that had grown there, mostly without me, while life happened with very few bubbles around me for several years. Felix says all the bubbles in this picture are for me. Thank you, thank you, thank you Felix.

Brian Lawrence in San Jose said he didn't have a picture but...would I test some equipment for him? And he proceeded to drop off a fantastic set of custom connectors and a lightweight loop --which he likes to call a "whisperer"--with extra juice-holding top string. Fantastic! And when I tried to return it, he said I was meant to keep it. Aw twist my arm, Brian! Thanks SO much.

Brian is another key player in making me the bubbler I am today. I was bubbling at Daze 1 with Dawn and water and he said casually, "here try some of this" offering some of his solution, and my mind was blown and my life began to change...

Ian Jarick from Sydney, Australia sent this one! I particularly like the colors on the top and the frustration I like to imagine having been engendered by the attempts to employ the candle and lighter :) ...Thanks Ian!!!!

(seriously, click to enlarge any of these. They're much better that way and Blogger arranges it as a slideshow for you!....and send your own, anytime, via e-mail or to my wall on Facebook!)

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Thursday, September 1, 2011

3D in the park!


3D Version!!!

Making of Bubble Mania Video!
I look like a big dork and it makes it sound like I was using Dawn and Water until like yesterday...but Brian and Sterling make a good showing and the bubbles are super cool, even just floating past interviewees...

Sunday, August 7, 2011

SUMMER 2011: Bubblemania Marches On!

Natasha is almost TWO!
And I realized that my sense that I "can't get around to the bubble project this summer" is kind of false.
Though I have not shot the next episode for want of time and motivation, the ideas are a-brewing and I HAVE

a. bubbled four or five groups in parks in San Francisco, Oakland and Berkeley.

b. practiced with Emily (Natasha's mom) and an awesome team of friends to participate in an incredible 3D bubble shoot, sponsored by Sprint, in Golden Gate Park, where we joined maestro Sterling Johnson, Dustin Hicks, Brian Lawrence and Todd Kamisugi for hours of epic bubbling on camera. Stay tuned for the results around Labor Day!

c. Attended and video taped two of Louis Pearl's bubble shows, and put together a little promo, just for fun, with my own music and aesthetic... which he ended up liking, so it's public! Full screen, 720p HD highly recommended as always.

d. begun work on my website dedicated to bubbles for hire. Though if you are fan enough to have read this far, please note that I may still be amenable to bubbling for you or your event, asking only for enough to cover my supply costs. If you are a friend already, count on it!

More in the fall!


Saturday, May 28, 2011

The Long and Short of it

Full Screen HD Highly recommended:

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Wait, what...?

Don't look now...but, in spite of what you see written elsewhere, Mike might be convinced to bring bubbles to your party professionally...e-mail your thoughts...

Friday, May 6, 2011

Many Buckets!

Saturday May 7, Lakeside Park, Oakland, 12:30ish near Fairyland!

Come make the bubbles more abundant! Give four-year-olds the right of way but leave no equipment unwielded! Take pictures and video and share them with me! A little new equipment, a slightly more effective way to bubble en masse...should be fun!

Monday, March 14, 2011

So busy!

Working on some new equipment, perfecting my public bubbling coordination skills... becoming more party friendly for friends ;) More soon!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

News Flash: HOLLY PARK, FEB 27!

Natasha is still in her 16th Month

Looks like my neighborhood appearance for February will be

Holly Park in San Francisco on Feb 27!

Who wants to invite me somewhere for March...!?